Hi Dancers! I try to pick out the events best suited to ballroom, Latin and swing dancing.
Let me know if there is anything you would like to add!
Great music happening at Inner Sanctum Cellars in Columbia:
Saturday, February 15, Emigrant Basin Pack and Social Club’s Scholarship Fundraising Dinner at the Sonora Elks Lodge, 100 Elk Drive, Sonora.
5 p.m.: No-host cocktail hour
6-8 p.m.: barrel-roasted pork dinner
Live music by the Rusty Rockers
$30/person. Call for RSVP (209) 768-6199, (209) 768-1126
Time: 1 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. Dance
3:30 to 4:30 Salsa Rueda Class for all levels
Place: First Presbyterian Church (49’er Church), 11155 Jackson Street, Columbia
Music: DJ & Vocals by Frank Silva
Music will be played for ballroom, Latin, swing, Country Western and party favorites!
Food: Light refreshments provided; please bring something to share if you can!
Cost: $5 for seniors (60+), $10 for adults, no charge for under 18 years old.
Just Dance is a fun place to practice and learn new steps. Ilene & Jim are always available to help and support you. Looking forward to seeing you there!
contact Ilene for more information: wingstodance@yahoo.com
Saturday afternoon, March 1 – Matinee Concert – 3pm
Rod Harris and the Columbia Big Band featuring guest artists
3pm at the Armory Restaurant in downtown Sonora
All Seats $20 – advanced tickets available at the Mt Bookshop at the Junction Shopping Center (The Armory can hold about 100 people, so get your tickets early). Food and drink is available.
More Events:
On-going Events in the Community:
Saturdays: Second Saturday Art Night in historic downtown Sonora offers art shows, music and refreshments, at no charge from 5 to 8 p.m. Visit www.2ndsaturdayartnight.org for details for each month.
Third Saturdays, 7:30 p.m.: Contra Dancing at the Aronos Club, 37 E. Elkin Street, Sonora. Live music; no experience necessary. Adults $7, Children $3. For more information, call 532-6025.
Mondays, 7 – 9 p.m.: Folk Dancing with Carlos at The Dance Castle, 23496 Gold Springs Drive, Columbia. All levels; free!
Thursdays, 9:30 a.m.: Line Dancing with Carolyn Silva at First Presbyterian Church of Columbia (aka 49er Church, 11155 Jackson Street) in Faith Hall. Free.
See these websites for more fun!
Events are popping up; looks like a wonderful year for dancing! I’m not sure what kind of “dance” music these bands play, so look them up on google or youtube.
Check out the bands playing at Black Oak Casino here: https://www.blackoakcasino.com/show
And at Inner Sanctum Cellars here: https://www.innersanctumcellars.com/